π Plate Tracker Pro
Plate Tracker Pro allows you to track vehicles via their license plates within FiveM.
- FiveM Forum Post: Plate Tracker Pro in the Forums
- YouTube Video: Watch the Demo
- Download: Get Plate Tracker Pro
Configuration Fileβ
View config.json
"License": "Enter your License key here",
"_License": "You can get your license key from https://garmingo.com/dashboard",
"Debug": false,
"_hotkey-configuration": "Below you will find all the configuration options regarding hotkeys",
"EnableHotkey": true,
"DefaultHotkey": "SUBTRACT",
"BlipScale": 0.5,
"BlipTypeId": 799,
"BlipColor": 9,
"ItemRequired": false,
"UseableItemName": "platetracker",
"VehicleRequired": false,
"VehicleModels": ["police", "police2", "police3", "police4"],
"JobRequired": false,
"JobName": ["mechanic", "police"],
"RestrictedVehicles": ["none"],
"EnableBypass": true,
"BypassKey": "SuperSecretKey",
"NotifyWhenTracking": true,
"BlipUpdateDelay": 5000
- License: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more
- Debug: Enable debug mode. This will print a whole bunch of information to the console. Usually only needed for troubleshooting.
Hotkey Configurationβ
- EnableHotkey: Enable a hotkey to open the plate tracker. If set to false, the tablet will only open via the item.
- DefaultHotkey: The default hotkey to open the plate tracker. Users can change this in the game settings.
Blip Settingsβ
- BlipScale: The scale of the blip.
- BlipTypeId: The type of blip to use. A list of blip types can be found here.
- BlipColor: The color of the blip. A list of blip colors can be found here.
- BlipUpdateDelay: The delay between blip updates in milliseconds.
Item Requirementβ
- ItemRequired: Require an item to open the plate tracker.
- UseableItemName: The name of the item required to open the plate tracker. This item must be in the player's inventory and depending on your Framework you may need to add this item to your database.
Vehicle Requirementβ
- VehicleRequired: Require a specific vehicle to open the plate tracker.
- VehicleModels: The models of vehicles that can open the plate tracker.
Job Requirementβ
- JobRequired: Restrict the plate tracker to specific jobs.
- JobName: The jobs that can open the plate tracker.
Bypass Settingsβ
The Bypass System prohibits tracking of police vehicles and other restricted vehicles. But by using the bypass key, you can track any vehicle.
- EnableBypass: Enable a bypass key to open the plate tracker.
- BypassKey: The key to bypass the restrictions and open the plate tracker.
Notification Settingsβ
- NotifyWhenTracking: Notify the player when tracking a vehicle.
Plate Tracker Pro is compatible with OneSync out of the Box. No additional configuration is required.
Note: When using OneSync, it is not possible to start tracking vehicles, that are out of your scope, but the tracking will stay active even if the vehicle is out of your scope.