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πŸ“± Phone Tracker Pro

Phone Tracker Pro allows you to track phones via a tablet within FiveM. Below is the detailed configuration file for the product.

Configuration File​

View config.json
/* -- Verification Settings -- */
"License": "Enter License here",
/* -- Verification Settings -- */

/* -- MySQL Connection -- */
"Host": "", /* Your MySQL servers host address */
"Port": 3306, /* Your MySQL servers port */
"Database": "essentialmode", /* Your MySQL database name */
"User": "root", /* Your MySQL user */
"Password": "12345", /* Your MySQL password */
"Table": "users", /* Your MySQL table where phone numbers are stored */
"IdentifierColumn": "identifier", /* Your table's column where identifiers are stored */
"PhoneColumn": "phone_number", /* Your table's column where phone numbers are stored */
"IsPhoneNumberString": false, /* Set to true if your phone column is set to contain strings */
"LicensePrefix": "", /* Enter a value if your licenses have no prefix by default */
/* -- MySQL Connection -- */

/* -- Blip Settings -- */
"DrawRadius": true, /* Draw a Radius instead of an exact blip */
"Radius": 100, /* Seems to be in 10*1 inch */
"EnableDelayUpdate": true, /* Update blip only every x seconds */
"UpdateDelay": 10000, /* Time in ms */
"SetRoute": false, /* Automatically set a route to the blip */
/* -- Blip Settings -- */

/* -- Restriction Settings -- */
"RestrictToJobs": false, /* Restrict the tracking tablet to specific jobs */
"Jobs": ["Job1", "Job2"], /* Jobs the tablet should be restricted to */
"EnableBlacklistedJobs": false, /* Blacklist jobs from tracking */
"BlacklistedJobs": ["Job1", "Job2"], /* Blacklisted jobs */
"EnableSupervisorCodes": false, /* Enable Supervisor Codes to bypass the Blacklist with */
"SupervisorCodes": ["Code1", "Code2"], /* Supervisor Codes */
"EnableNeedItem": false, /* Only allow players with a specific item to open the tracking tablet */
"Item": "tablet", /* The item players need to open the tablet */
"EnablePermission": false, /* Restrict tablet access to players with a specific permission */
"Permission": "phonetracker.use", /* Permission that allows players to open the tablet */
/* -- Restriction Settings -- */

/* -- Access Settings -- */
"EnableCommand": true, /* Enable a command to open the tablet */
"Command": "openCommand", /* Command to open the tablet */
"EnableHotkey": true, /* Enable a hotkey to open the tablet */
"Hotkey": 166, /* Hotkey to open the tablet */
/* -- Access Settings -- */

/* -- OneSync -- */
"EnableOneSync": false
Please note that when using OneSync it is not possible to interact directly with other players, so Live Mode is not compatible with OneSync and the delay must be enabled.
/* -- OneSync -- */

/* -- Supervisor Code Explanation --
Supervisor codes are codes that allow you to track people
who belong to a job that is not allowed to be tracked.
This code is simply written after the phone number separated by a colon.
For example: 12345:Code1
-- Supervisor Code Explanation -- */


  • License: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more

MySQL Connection​

  • Host: The host address of your MySQL server.
  • Port: The port of your MySQL server.
  • Database: The name of your MySQL database.
  • User: Your MySQL user.
  • Password: Your MySQL password.
  • Table: The MySQL table where phone numbers are stored.
  • IdentifierColumn: The column where identifiers are stored.
  • PhoneColumn: The column where phone numbers are stored.
  • IsPhoneNumberString: Set to true if your phone column contains strings.
  • LicensePrefix: Enter a value if your licenses have no prefix by default.

Blip Settings​

  • DrawRadius: Draw a radius instead of an exact blip.
  • Radius: Radius size, seems to be in 10*1 inch.
  • EnableDelayUpdate: Update blip only every specified number of seconds.
  • UpdateDelay: Time in milliseconds between updates.
  • SetRoute: Automatically set a route to the blip.

Restriction Settings​

  • RestrictToJobs: Restrict the tracking tablet to specific jobs.
  • Jobs: Jobs the tablet should be restricted to.
  • EnableBlacklistedJobs: Blacklist jobs from tracking.
  • BlacklistedJobs: Blacklisted jobs.
  • EnableSupervisorCodes: Enable Supervisor Codes to bypass the blacklist.
  • SupervisorCodes: Supervisor Codes.
  • EnableNeedItem: Only allow players with a specific item to open the tracking tablet.
  • Item: The item players need to open the tablet.
  • EnablePermission: Restrict tablet access to players with a specific permission.
  • Permission: Permission that allows players to open the tablet.

Access Settings​

  • EnableCommand: Enable a command to open the tablet.
  • Command: Command to open the tablet.
  • EnableHotkey: Enable a hotkey to open the tablet.
  • Hotkey: Hotkey to open the tablet.


  • EnableOneSync: Enable OneSync mode.

Note: When using OneSync, it is not possible to interact directly with other players, so Live Mode is not compatible with OneSync and the delay must be enabled.


  • Crashes: If there are crashes, check your MySQL settings (host, port, database, user, password, table, identifier column, phone column).
  • Number Not Found: If a number is not found, ensure OneSync is enabled and verify the settings for IdentifierColumn, PhoneColumn, IsPhoneNumberString, and LicensePrefix. Also, make sure the correct phone number is entered.